Othaurix, the Lifebringer

If only you'd catch me safe in your arms, your love would wash over guiding me down.
"Falling Down" - Hybrid
Class: Cleric, Follower of Lanthander, Domain of Life
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 16 (Mature)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Dream: Become a high priestess in service to Lanthander.
Associated Color: Yellow
Physical Description: 2'4", 28 lbs, with eyes of shimmering emerald green; her scales are in mainly golden hues, with accents of silver; two spiralling ivory horns crest her head. She wears loose, flowing white-satin robes with sprawling green accents; her pack lays behind her robes.
Notable Class Traits: Channel Divinity - Preserve Life & Turn Undead
Notable Racial Traits: Kobold Legacy: Craftiness (Medicine)
Key Weapons: Staff

Personality Traits:
- I see the best in my friends and enemies, and can make peace between anyone.
- I find comfort in numbers and live to support my allies.
- I have faith that Lanthander shall guide my will in his needs.
- I will never forget my old clan leader, may his soul rest in peace.
- I hold great respect and honor for the temple elder who took me in.
- I am still unsure of myself and judge myself harder than I do others.
- I trust too much in others of my faith.

Other Details:
- Has a particular affinity for collecting feathers.

Kobolds stick together. That is the basic principle that keeps the little lizards alive. In a mountainous region of the west, a relatively small kobold clan knew this lesson well. Their dragon had been slain some time earlier, but a few dozen kobolds had managed to survive raids from keen adventurers. The healer for this clan was a small one named Othaurix. One of what the clan called "Third Age Kobolds," she was one of the older in the clan. Ultimately, the clan leader, Loexusk, took notice of her talents and regarded her as the second-in-command. She could not admit the pride it made her feel - there were too many kobolds to patch. Ultimately, the clan was getting too small to sustain. The egg-nests had been destroyed in an earlier raid, and there was a growing pessimism around the five remaining members. Othaurix convinced Loexusk to migrate the clan eastward; they were to head out in one week.

One evening, the local Lord led an expedition to the cave. Two guarding kobolds were slain; a third killed themselves when capture seemed inevitable. Othaurix and Loexusk tried to escape, but he was killed and she was captured. With the clan cave destroyed, Othaurix was now clanless and caged in the Lord's manor. She suspected she would be auctioned off in a few days time - the horror stories were always circulated. Luckily, she would not have to find out - the manor was broken into, and Othaurix was knocked out and taken yet again...

Othaurix awoke to find herself in a grassy and light temple chamber. She was greeted by a halfling named Thrush. Thrush was a cleric, and she claimed to hear directly the word of a great being named Lanthandar. Thrusth had been guided to the manor that night and saw that Lord taking Othaurix. Thrush knew she had to save the poor soul; the soul being a kobold was a minor trouble, but Thrush had rescued Othaurix to her temple: The Tree of Light. Thrush had broken a major rule in taking a non-halfling to the Tree of Light - like it or not, Othaurix was now a captive of the Beacon of Lanthandar.

In due time, Othaurix became at ease in her new prison. Her captors were very kind, and irritated she was, she understood that secrecy was vital - kobold clan locations were the same way. She became curious about their religion. She learned from Thrush what Lanthandar was about; the more she learned, the more she admired. One afternoon, she heard his voice. She began training as a cleric immediately after. In some months, the other halflings determined she was ready to go out into the world - the key goal of the Beacon was to spread Lanthandar's light.

Othaurix now has left the shelter of the Tree of Light and is exploring the world. With a new-found sense of self, she sees a better world ahead. In some selfish way, she hopes that her cause will help the kobolds like her who also feel helpless. She remembers a lot of pain; she takes comfort in the new light within her. Life springs from the light; she is the Lifebringer.