Loexusk, the Undying Shroud

The stuttering emotions keep me fixed to fall apart and I know I'm leaving all this sweat in our bed - a broken heart bleeding with a gun to my head.
"Unheavenly Creatures" - Coheed & Cambria
Class: Warlock, Pact of a Fiend
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 22? (Mature)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Dream: Retrieve his lost ward, Othaurix.
Associated Color: Green
Physical Description: 2'8", 32 lbs, with eyes of golden yellow; his skin is primarily a dark green, with a silvery grey underbelly; he has membranes of lighter green along his crest and tail. He is clad in a ragged, brown cloak, hiding most of his form; he always has a bronzed gauntlet on his left hand and wears a hidden piece of shimmering rock on a necklace.
Notable Class Traits: Pact of the Talisman
Notable Racial Traits: Kobold Legacy: Defiance
Key Weapons: Eldritch Blasts, Crossbow

Personality Traits:
- I take in the younger and inexperienced like they were my own spawn.
- I am shaken by what I have seen, and I am phased by little.
- He who leads a tribe holds responsibility for all within it.
- I have an unshakeable bond with any kobold I meet.
- I am forever searching for the last of my ward, stolen away into danger.
- I consider myself expendable to the needs of my tribe.
- I am pretty narrowly focused on my singular goal.

Other Details:
- Previously Lawful Evil
- Notably left-handed

Kobolds stick together. That is the basic principle that keeps the little lizards alive. In a mountainous region of the west, a relatively small kobold clan knew this lesson well. Their dragon had been slain some time earlier, but a few dozen kobolds had managed to survive raids from keen adventurers. The leader of this clan was Loexusk, a highly-skilled trapmaker and strategizer. Indeed, he was also much older than most of the remaining kobolds, well into his second decade.

Things were still tough for the clan, facing continued raids and forcing counter-raids into the nearby township for supplies. Their numbers would dwindle from dozens to only about a dozen to only a handful remaining. Loexusk's left-hand 'bold was a healer named Othaurix, who had been among the last born before their dragon died. With numbers dwindling, Othaurix suggested heading to a larger clan to the east. Loexusk debated the logistics of such a move, but ultimately agreed.

They would not be able to initiate this plan. The local lord led a final raid on the ruins of the clan; two died defending the entrance; one killed themselves to avoid capture. The lord kicked Loexusk off a cliff edge, impaling him on a sharp rock below; he was conscious long enough to see Othaurix get captured and hauled off out of the caves. The lights began to fade, and Loexusk was powerless to save the last of his clan...

...Then Loexusk woke up. It was dark; his chest hurt; his left hand was intensely scarred. Strangest of all, he heard a gravelly voice. It directed him down to the township, helped him break into the lord's manner, and taught him his new powers in an assassination. His previous skills seemingly vanished, Loexusk now wielded an infernal power. Though he could not remember, the voice revealed Loexusk had sold his soul for the opportunity to find and protect Othaurix. The demon had agreed, with the stipulation of a favor whenever prompted.

This is where Loexusk finds himself now. He gathers clues to where Othaurix may be - she was not with the now-deceased lord. He does not know what life will be like now that such infernal power was surging through him. It is enough to make him question his very character. In any case, he has been granted one more chance to protect his clan - he was going to make the most of it.