Gralkuni, the Bloodblade

Ancient language speak through fingers, the awful edges where you end and I begin. Inside your mouth I cannot see, there's catastrophe in everything I'm touching as I sweat and crush you.
"The Horror of Our Love" - Ludo
Class: Barbarian, Path of the Totem
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 8 (Mature)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Dream: Help Zzrala form a great clan of might and renown
Associated Color: Purple
Physical Description: 3'2", 40lbs, with gleaming golden eyes; purple-magenta scales cover her with reddish-brown highlight scales and lilac horns; mostly meek and small, but with a surprising amount of build for the scale. Wears an aubergine-dyed buckskin with grey hawkfeathers and tufts of dark hyena fur; a leather braces the chest with some iron guarding.
Notable Class Traits: Totem Spirit: Hyena
Notable Racial Traits: Kobold Legacy: Craftiness (Survival)
Key Weapons: Battleaxe

Personality Traits:
- I keep to myself and only my absolute closest associates.
- My emotions, though bottled, are strong and drive me.
- Might makes right.
- Most people infuriate me, quietly.
- I am in true admiration of Zzrala, the one who makes me feel big and who I completely click with.
- Everything frustrates me, but I let it simmer and fester.
- I'd rather suffer in silence than make a scene.

Other Details:
- Would 100% be fine with Zzrala eating her, loves when she bites.

Molikosj always held a bit of resentment for her clan.

Being a plains-kobold clan was not all it was cracked up to be. Their dragon had left some time ago for greener pastures, and the clan was mostly just subsiding. Not growing, not expanding, just maintaining themselves. Which would be good enough for most kobolds, but it also meant spending a lot of time with those in the clan that she simply didn't click with at all.

Everything changed with the arrival of a gnoll into the burrow. She was instantly head over heels; the gnoll carried herself with such might and ferocity. That the gnoll instantly made herself the leader of the clan only made Molikosj fall deeper for her. Even as the rest of the clan fell in line from fear, she was hanging on her every word and command from the start. To try and win her affection, she even tried to puff herself up and mimic the barbarian's might and poise. This was not unnoticed by the gnoll, a wild one named Zzrala.

Zzrala nudged Molikosj to explore the way of the barbarian. But kobolds weren't so keen on genealogy, so ancestry wasn't clicking. Moreover, Molikosj couldn't quite get herself to match the rage that Zzrala had inside. However, when she was mocked by a denmate for being Zzrala's "favorite little pet", she blew up at him and pummeled him within an inch of his life. Zzrala saw this deep-seated rage and knew the little lizard could be capable. She tapped into the almost animalistic anger present, and taught Molikosj the path of the totem.

Becoming Zzrala's right-hand-girl, Molikosj oversaw the growth of the clan into a fierce presence. They became more daring, more willing to take risky ventures, and she slowly became more able to tap into her rage. When Zzrala announced the clan would be making a massive raid on the gnoll's old, traitorous clan, Molikosj was honored to be aiding Zzrala in such a worthy quest.

The blood moon rose. And with it Zzrala led an attack at the heart of the Crimsonfang dens. All of clan Dreadscale took part in the battle, as did all of Crimsonfang. The fighting raged into the night; much blood was spilled. It was a piece of heaven for Molikosj. In the fever pitch of battle, she and Zzrala were in tune, and even as kobolds fell, gnolls fell in equal tide. Aiding her beloved, Molikosj ensured Zzrala's victory over the denmother. Covered in the lifeblood of their enemies, Zzrala and Molikosj consummated; the kobold gained the name Gralkuni (Bloodblade), Zzrala gained a mate. The only two survivors of a night of violence and blood.

She now follows her beloved wherever she may go. Their clan is small now, just the two of them. But now they venture in search of others like them who may join in the bloodlust. As long as she is at Zzrala's side, Gralkuni couldn't think of anywhere she'd rather be.