Daystar, the Shining Ambassador

And they say that a hero could save us; I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
"Hero" - Chad Kroeger
Class: Fighter, Battle Master
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 10 (Mature)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Dream: Make her guild known throughout the continent.
Associated Color: White
Physical Description: 2'3", 27 lb, with the most innocent sky blue eyes; her scales are a mottling of white and a very light yellow, but her tail tapers into hues of blue; she has two curly white horns and a short little snout for boops. Her leather armor is primarily white with some red cloth highlights draping over. She still wears a silvered collar around her neck as a sign of her pledge to her Master.
Notable Class Traits: Fighting Style - Archery
Notable Racial Traits: Kobold Legacy: Draconic Heritage (Light Cantrip)
Key Weapons: Hand-Crossbow, Rapier

Personality Traits:
- I am used to explaining things in detail to others and greatly enjoy doing so.
- I refuse to let a little negativity snuff my light.
- Knowledge gives us the ability to better ourselves beyond what others think possible.
- I have infinite appreation for the patience my master showed me.
- I hold kinship with kobolds of all shapes and sizes wherever I go.
- I always feel like I have something to prove.
- Most people run and scream when they see a demon; you will find me eagerly taking notes on it.

Other Details:
- Suffered many hilarious misfortunes as a wizard's assistant, such as: turning into a lizard; getting petrified briefly; turning purple for a week; being shrunk and "exploring" the manor plumbing

As far as a kobold's life goes, Kearisk wasn't having the worst time thus far; she thought this while locked up in chains and presented for auctioneers. Her kobold tribe had been living under the city for some time now, but, just as she turned 2, some gnomes managed to find their living space. Before the end of the day, all of the kobolds were either dead or wrangled up. While some on the council wanted the remainder exterminated, one particularly sneaky council member suggested a slave auction instead. As the last surviving female of the tribe, Kearisk was getting quite a betting war. It was halted, however, when a tiefling of great stature walked in, placed a single bet, and silenced the hall. Kearisk was now in ownership of the demonic figure, who took her by the leash and was off.

Lucky for Kearisk, this tiefling was much sweeter than her exterior suggested. Etremia was a wizard by trade, needed an assistant, and wanted better for the young kobold. Thus began Kearisk's life as a wizard's assistant: she helped organize Etremia's archives, prepare ingredients for alchemical experiments, and helped manage funds and goods. It wasn't easy work, but Etremia was a gracious master and made living good. Her master even gave her an affectionate nickname: Daystar, off the translation of Kearisk's name.

Some years into the servitude, Daystar did not come back from the village on a typical supply run. Etremia thought the kobold may have finally turned rogue; she went into town the next day to retrieve the supplies. However, she learned her kobold was loyal in the worst way: Daystar was crying in an alley, covered in cuts, bruises, and spilled potion. The little kobold described how a bunch of thugs attacked her and nearly killed her before she got away. Needless to say, Etremia found and made short work of those ruffians. Moreover, Etremia knew she needed to teach Daystar some practical defense.

Etremia used her connections to renovate part of her manor into a gymnasium. Both tutors and extensive tomes on combat were brought in to assist the little kobold. Daystar could not fully grasp her master's purpose but was certainly thankful for the training. Daystar would slowly learn how to wield the blade, shield, and crossbow, turning what would be her weaknesses into strengths, and forming a methodical style of combat. When Daystar turned 10, Etremia brought her into the Master Bedroom. There, the tiefling tore up the proof-of-sale contract, formally reneging on ownership. Now that Daystar could fend for herself, Etremia wanted her kobold to run free. Though reluctant, Daystar eventually agreed to, adventuring forth into the world.

Daystar now hopes to make her mark as an adventurer and a fighter. Others may doubt her small statue, but what she lacks in muscle she makes up for in cunning and precision. She's out to give kobolds a good name among adventurers, starting by creating her own Kobold Adventurer's Guild.